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50 - History of updates

Update of  03/09/2022

- Integration of AP mode by défault with personalised SSID 

Update of  06/08/2022

- Access point (AP) mode for site without Wifi, automatic configuration when dimmer is connecting

Update of  05/24/2022

- Compatibility with frontius et envoy S et R 

Update of 03/24/2022

- Wifi reconnection in case of network loss

Update of 03/03/2022

- Addition of the temperature of the 1st dimmer on the TTGO display

Update of 02/26/2022

- Added screen sleep feature (requires filesystem update)

Update of 01/02/2022

- Fixed sending data to Jeedom via MQTT

Update of 01/17/2022

- Translation into English of display information

Update of 01/10/2022

- removal of the Emonlib library.

Update of 17/12/2021

- Printing of the V2 card for TTGO mounted in SMD and compatible with the TTGO box


Update of 15/11/2021

- Printing of the V1 board for TTGO mounted in SMD


Update of 10/10/2021

- TTGO-Tdisplay support

Update of 07/10/2021

- Passage of the filesystem in LittleFS

Update of 05/15/2021

- Fixed IDX and display bug

Update of 04/28/2021

- Correction of the library provided by Robotdyn

Update of 04/16/2021

- Init Commit for ESP32

Update of 05/18/2019

- Fixed IDX and display bug

Update of 31/12/2019

- Implementation of the configuration page

Update of 26/12/2019

- OLED display fix

Update of 07/09/2019

- Documents

Update of 07/18/2019

- V3 map printing for lolin or Wemos


Update of 07/07/2019

- Support for Domoticz

Update of 20/06/2019

- Init Commit for ESP8266

Update of 05/28/2019

- Printing of the V2 map


Update of 12/05/2019

- V1 card printing
