Photovoltaic router
01 - Install of Visual Studio Code
To transfer the code to the microcontroller (ESP32 or TTGO) it is necessary to install Visual Stu...
02 - Copy or update repository sources
The sources are available on the Github (a code repository web server) once your Visual Studio i...
03 - USB code upload
Uploading is done with Visual Studio Code (VS) using the PlatformIO tab During your 1st Upload...
04 - Remote code upload
Uploading is done with Visual Studio Code (VS) using the PlatformIO tab your code being alread...
10 - Creation of the PV router with a TTGO-Tdisplay
The creation of the Pv router with the card adapted for the TTGO Tdisplay is currently the fastes...
11 - Operation and use of the router
Generality The Photovoltaic Router is in charge of analyzing the direction of the current at the...
50 - History of updates
Update of 03/09/2022 - Integration of AP mode by défault with personalised SSID Update of 06...